K_BlurMask (Compatible with IFFS 2015.0.0 and up)
K_BlurMask 1.2
Blurs an isolated region based on the matte input.
Shader written by: Kyle Obley (kyle.obley _at_ gmail.com)
Version notes
Modified to work with selectives in action for GP.
Older versions that shader
19th of June 2014
Download- Dummy pass to send the front along to the last pass so Flame won’t ask for 4 inputs.
- Dummy pass to send the matte along to the last pass so Flame won’t ask for 4 inputs.
- Old pass 1, now pushed to pass 3.
- Old pass 2 pushed to 4
- Old pass 3 pushed to 5.
- Old pass 4 pushed to 6.
- Now reflects the addition of 2 extra passes to avoid having 4 inputs in the UI.
19th of June 2014
Download- Cleaned up some code and fixed an annoying error message and didn’t affect the output.
- Cleaned-up code and removed an annoying error that didn’t affect the output but littered the console.
- Merge https://github.com/kmatchbox/Matchbox
19th of June 2014
Download- Modified the description in the XML.
Modified the icon. - Modified icon.
- Modified XML.
- Modified icon.
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