Ls_Airglow (Compatible with IFFS 2016.0.0 and up)
Airglow - exponential falloff glow modelled on how light scatters in air. A bunch of blurs added up, using mipmaps to keep it fast.
Recommended listening:
lewis _at_
Version notes
UI tweaks
Older versions that shader
25th of October 2016
Download- ivar fixes the world
- same ivar fix for airglow?
- Merge branch ‘master’ of
10th of April 2016
Download- functional airglow
- speed, tint, mix
- ui
- making a pre-processor because this is getting out of control
- might need to undo the chaos i’m about to create here
- chaos avertedchaos avertedchaos avertedchaos avertedchaos avertedchaos avertedchaos avertedchaos avertedchaos averted
- falloff curve
- strength input
- inna good place
- alright then
- one final build for luck
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