cb_lensCorrect (Compatible with IFFS 2025.0.0 and up)

Advanced lens distortion correction, based off Cooke 21mm S4/i lens, with grid overlay.
Radial K1: First radial distortion coefficient (barrel/pincushion).
Radial K2: Second radial distortion coefficient.
Radial K3: Third radial distortion coefficient.
Tangential P1: First tangential distortion coefficient.
Tangential P2: Second tangential distortion coefficient.
Scale: Output scale adjustment.
Aspect: Aspect ratio
Edge Blur: Edge fill
Center: Optical center of the lens.
Show Grid: Show grid overlay.
Grid Spacing: Spacing between grid lines.
Grid Color: Color of grid lines.
Resolution: Image resolution (width, height).
Version notes
More lens correction fun based off Cooke s4/i 21mm. cb@barefootvfx.com.au
Older versions that shader
12th of March this year, around 00:51
DownloadMore lens correction fun based off Cooke s4/i 21mm. cb@barefootvfx.com.au
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