crok_additive_key (Compatible with IFFS 2015.0.0 and up)
This is an Additive Keyer
- FG original: original fg
- FG Despilled: despilled fg
- Back: background
- Matte: matte clip (needed for default Additive Key processing)
- Matte Holdout: garbage matte input to define the region of interest (optional)
FG Clean: despilled clean green / blue sceen clip (optional)
- Enable Joels Version: Enables a differnt kind of additive processing
- Blend BG: Blends in the BG
- BG Gamma: adjusts the gamma of the BG
BG Offset: offsets the BG
- Global Restore: adjust the overall detail level
- Restore Darks: dials in darker parts of the fg footage
- Restore Highlight: dials in lighter parts of the fg footage
- Desaturate Dark: desaturate the dark parts of the fg footage
Desaturate High: desaturate the light parts of the fg footage
- Show Pixel Spread: shows the pixel spread image only
Size: adjust the size of the pixelspread
- Enable Matte Denoise: denoise the incomming matte for cleaner edge details
- Amount: amount of denoise applied to the matte
Radius: radius of the applied denoise effect
- Output Background: just output the processed background for further comping
- Clamp Output: clamp the output to values between 0 and 1
Matchbox version by Erwan Leroy, Joel Osis and ivar _at_
Version notes
- added Joels version of pulling an additive key
Older versions that shader
15th of October 2015
Fixed a bunch of Matte related stuff
i hope i finally found every issues related to holdout mattes,
external clean plates etc. sorry that it took a while to nail it. or
better hopefully nail it
14th of October 2015
Download- fixed additive matte + holdout matte issue
now it will give you the correct result for the matte output for both
options (external clean screen input and internal generated clean
14th of October 2015
fixed external clean screen input
now it will give you the additive result you would expect without
having to pressing the ‘invert holdout matte’ button
10th of October 2015
Fixed some output issues
- fixed inverted MatteOutput issue
- set the Invert Holdout Matte to true by default
The HoldOut Matte Input doesn’t falls back to WHITE as it should be,
thats why the Holdout Matte Button default to “Invert’ to show you
something without having a to connect a white frame to the Holdout
Matte inout. This a bug introduced in 2016…
10th of October 2015
added Matte output options
- added Matte Output opt. (Additive Matte, Additive Matte + Holdout)
- added HoldOut Matte input
4th of October 2015
Download- added tons of new features
- added ‘Clamp Output’ button
- added ‘Output Background’ only button
- output matte is now the combined matte of the input matte + the
additive key changes (you are able to use that for upstream LightWrap
stuff) - added ‘Global Restore’ slider for easier overall adjustments
- switched the Denoise feature to OFF by default
- rearranged the UI a bit to give more space for added features
4th of October 2015
added clamp to the colour output
i had problems using the shader in action without it
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