crok_beer (Compatible with IFFS 2015.0.0 and up)
This Matchbox shader creates a beer like structure.
- Noise Texture: additional noise texture
- Iterations: fractal iterations
- Flow Noise: noise pattern
- Distortion: fractal distortion
- Sphere Size: size of the fractal sphere
- Step Size: fractal steps
- Speed: how fast the fractal is moving in x / y /z direction
- Center: sphere center
- Zoom: zoom in / out of the fractal
- Colour: fractal colour
- Brightness: adjust brightness
- Glow: adjust glow
- Fade: fade fractal in / out
Demo clip:
Based on
GLSL Shader Developer: Redexe _at_
Matchbox version by ivar _at_
Version notes
- added demo pic and fixed XML file
Older versions that shader
19th of June 2014
Download- downgraded the XML sidekick file
so the shader will work now in pre 2015 versions too
12th of May 2014
Downloadadded another Slider (Fractal Param) to give you even more creative freedom
12th of May 2014
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